Fossil Fishes of Alabama
Article Title:
Diodontidae indet. Version 1
Jun A. Ebersole, David J. Cicimurri, Gary L. Stringer, Stephen J. Jacquemin, & Charles N. Ciampaglio
Entry 203
Volume 5
Issue 22
Chapter 5: Neogene Fishes of Alabama
Version 1
Incertae sedis
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri, G.L. Stringer, S.J. Jacquemin, & C.N. Ciampaglio. 2024. Neogene Fishes of Alabama: Diodontidae indet. version 1. In: J.A. Ebersole (ed.), Fossil Fishes of Alabama. McWane Science Center, Birmingham, Alabama 5(22):1–4.
References Cited:
Arratia, G., R.A. Scasso & W. Kiessling. 2004. Late Jurassic fishes from Longing Gap, Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(1):41–55.
Berg, L.S. 1940. Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil. Travaux de l’Institut Zoologique de l’Academie des Sciences de l’URSS 5(2):85–517.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1835. Prodromus systematis ichthyologiae. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali Bologna (Ser. 1) 2(4):181–196, 272–277.
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri, & S.M. Ebersole. 2024. Additions to the Pliocene fish assemblage (Chondrichthyes; Osteichthyes) from Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA. Paleoichthys 8:1-20.
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri & G.L. Stringer. 2019. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths. European Journal of Taxonomy 585:1–274.
Ebersole, J.A., S.M. Ebersole & D.J. Cicimurri. 2017. The occurrence of early Pleistocene marine fish remains from the Gulf Coast of Mobile County, Alabama, USA. Palaeodiversity 10(1):97–115.
Goodrich, E.S. 1930. Studies on the structure & development of vertebrates. Macmillan, London. 837 pages.
Greenwood, P.H., D.E. Rosen, S.H. Weitzman & G.S. Myers. 1966. Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes, with a provisional classification of living forms. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 131(4):341–455.
Huxley, T.H. 1880. On the application of the laws of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particularly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880:649–662.
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Nelson, J.S., T.C. Grande & M.V.H. Wilson. 2016. Fishes of the World, 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 707 pages.
Patterson, C. & D.E Rosen. 1977. Review of the ichthyodectiform and other Mesozoic teleost fishes and the theory and practice of classifying fossils. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 158:83–172.
Pinna, M.C.C. de. 1996. Teleostean monophyly. Pages 147–162. In: M.L.J. Stiassny, L.R. Parenti & G.D. Johnson (editors). Interrelationships of Fishes. Academic Press, San Diego.
Regan, C.T. 1923. The skeleton of Lepidosteus, with remarks on the origin and evolution of the lower neopterygian fishes. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1923(1–2):445–461.
Rosen, D.E. 1985. An essay on euteleostean classification. American Museum Novitates 2827: 1–57.
Tyler, J. 1980. Osteology, phylogeny, and higher classification of the fishes of the order Plectognathi (Tetraodontiformes). NOAA Technical Report, NMFS Circular 434:1–422.
Berg, L.S. 1940. Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil. Travaux de l’Institut Zoologique de l’Academie des Sciences de l’URSS 5(2):85–517.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1835. Prodromus systematis ichthyologiae. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali Bologna (Ser. 1) 2(4):181–196, 272–277.
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri, & S.M. Ebersole. 2024. Additions to the Pliocene fish assemblage (Chondrichthyes; Osteichthyes) from Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA. Paleoichthys 8:1-20.
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri & G.L. Stringer. 2019. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths. European Journal of Taxonomy 585:1–274.
Ebersole, J.A., S.M. Ebersole & D.J. Cicimurri. 2017. The occurrence of early Pleistocene marine fish remains from the Gulf Coast of Mobile County, Alabama, USA. Palaeodiversity 10(1):97–115.
Goodrich, E.S. 1930. Studies on the structure & development of vertebrates. Macmillan, London. 837 pages.
Greenwood, P.H., D.E. Rosen, S.H. Weitzman & G.S. Myers. 1966. Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes, with a provisional classification of living forms. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 131(4):341–455.
Huxley, T.H. 1880. On the application of the laws of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particularly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880:649–662.
Müller, J. 1845. Über den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden, und über das natürliche System der Fische. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 11(1):91–141.
Nelson, J.S., T.C. Grande & M.V.H. Wilson. 2016. Fishes of the World, 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 707 pages.
Patterson, C. & D.E Rosen. 1977. Review of the ichthyodectiform and other Mesozoic teleost fishes and the theory and practice of classifying fossils. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 158:83–172.
Pinna, M.C.C. de. 1996. Teleostean monophyly. Pages 147–162. In: M.L.J. Stiassny, L.R. Parenti & G.D. Johnson (editors). Interrelationships of Fishes. Academic Press, San Diego.
Regan, C.T. 1923. The skeleton of Lepidosteus, with remarks on the origin and evolution of the lower neopterygian fishes. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1923(1–2):445–461.
Rosen, D.E. 1985. An essay on euteleostean classification. American Museum Novitates 2827: 1–57.
Tyler, J. 1980. Osteology, phylogeny, and higher classification of the fishes of the order Plectognathi (Tetraodontiformes). NOAA Technical Report, NMFS Circular 434:1–422.