Fossil Fishes of Alabama
Article Title:
Cochliodus Version 1
Jun A. Ebersole, David J. Cicimurri, Gary L. Stringer, Stephen J. Jacquemin, & Charles N. Ciampaglio
Entry 2.024
Volume 2
Issue 24
Chapter 2: Carboniferous Fishes of Alabama
Version 1
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri, G.L. Stringer, S.J. Jacquemin, & C.N. Ciampaglio. 2024. Carboniferous Fishes of Alabama: Cochliodus version 1. In: J.A. Ebersole (ed.), Fossil Fishes of Alabama. McWane Science Center, Birmingham, Alabama 2(24):1–5.
References Cited:
Agassiz, L. 1838. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 11th livraison (November 1838). Petitpierre et Prince (text) and H. Nicolet (plates), Neuchâtel, vol. 3. Pages 73–140.
Agassiz, L. 1859. Notes on the collections of Lord Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton and London notes. A. Ms. (unsigned), MCZ archives, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 14 pages.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1831. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati. Pesci, Roma. 78 pages.
Ciampaglio, C.N., D.J. Cicimurri, L.H. Deuter & M.A. Taylor. 2011. A review of the chondrichthyans from the Mississippi System of Northern Alabama, USA. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 28:67–80.
Huxley, T.H. 1880. On the application of the laws of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particularly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880:649–662.
Nelson, J.S., T.C. Grande & M.V.H. Wilson. 2016. Fishes of the World, 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 707 pages.
Obruchev, D.V. 1953. Izuchenie edestid y raboty A. P. Karpinskogo. Trudy Paleontol. Inst. Akad Nauk SSSR 45:1–85. [in Russian].
Owen, R. 1867. On the mandible and mandibular teeth of cochliodonts. Geological Magazine, decade 1 4(4):53–63.
St. John, O.H. & A.H. Worthen. 1883. Descriptions of fossil fishes; a partial revision of the Cochliodonts and Psammodonts. Geological Survey of Illinois 7:55–264.
Stahl, B.J. 1999. Chondrichthyes III, Holocephali. Handbook of Paleoichthyology, Volume 4. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München. 164 pages.
Stahl, B.J. & D.J. Cicimurri. 2005. Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Chondrichthyans from the Monteagle Limestone of Northern Alabama. Paludicola 5(1):1–14.
Agassiz, L. 1859. Notes on the collections of Lord Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton and London notes. A. Ms. (unsigned), MCZ archives, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 14 pages.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1831. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati. Pesci, Roma. 78 pages.
Ciampaglio, C.N., D.J. Cicimurri, L.H. Deuter & M.A. Taylor. 2011. A review of the chondrichthyans from the Mississippi System of Northern Alabama, USA. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 28:67–80.
Huxley, T.H. 1880. On the application of the laws of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particularly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880:649–662.
Nelson, J.S., T.C. Grande & M.V.H. Wilson. 2016. Fishes of the World, 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 707 pages.
Obruchev, D.V. 1953. Izuchenie edestid y raboty A. P. Karpinskogo. Trudy Paleontol. Inst. Akad Nauk SSSR 45:1–85. [in Russian].
Owen, R. 1867. On the mandible and mandibular teeth of cochliodonts. Geological Magazine, decade 1 4(4):53–63.
St. John, O.H. & A.H. Worthen. 1883. Descriptions of fossil fishes; a partial revision of the Cochliodonts and Psammodonts. Geological Survey of Illinois 7:55–264.
Stahl, B.J. 1999. Chondrichthyes III, Holocephali. Handbook of Paleoichthyology, Volume 4. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München. 164 pages.
Stahl, B.J. & D.J. Cicimurri. 2005. Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Chondrichthyans from the Monteagle Limestone of Northern Alabama. Paludicola 5(1):1–14.