Article Title:
Anguilla Version 1
Jun A. Ebersole, David J. Cicimurri, Gary L. Stringer, Stephen J. Jacquemin, & Charles N. Ciampaglio
Entry 6.004
Volume 6
Issue 4
Chapter 6: Pleistocene Fishes of Alabama
Version 1
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Article DOI:
Ebersole, J.A., D.J. Cicimurri, G.L. Stringer, S.J. Jacquemin, & C.N. Ciampaglio. 2024. Pleistocene Fishes of Alabama: Anguillidae version 1. In: J.A. Ebersole (ed.), Fossil Fishes of Alabama. McWane Science Center, Birmingham, Alabama 6(4):1–5.
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